Ave sanctissima Maria, mater Dei,
Regina coeli, Porta paradisi,
Domina mundi, pura singularis Virgo.
Tu concepisti Iesum sine peccato,
tu peperisti Creatorem et Salvatorem mundi,
in quo non dubito.
Libera nos ab omni malo
ora pro nobis peccatoribus.
Ave, santísima María, madre de Dios,
Reina del cielo, Puerta del paraíso,
Señora del mundo, Virgen pura.
Concebiste a Jesús sin pecado,
diste a luz al Creador y Salvador del mundo,
de ello no hay duda.
Líbranos de todo mal,
ruega por nosotros pecadores.
Hail most holy Mary, mother of God,
queen of heaven, gate of paradise,
ruler of the world, you are the one pure virgin.
Yourself conceived without sin
you conceived Jesus without any stain.
You have borne the creator and saviour of the world
in whom I firmly believe.
Deliver us from evil
and pray for us sinners.