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Hermetic sentences extracted from The Message Rediscovered
We present a selection of hermetic sentences extracted from The Message Rediscovered, the Cattiaux's master work, arranged according to the fundamental symbols of the different spiritual traditions in order to generate a new network of meanings in relationship with the art and the symbol. The Message Rediscovered is a book that contains, as his author said, "a tightly initiation and mystique presented in a concentrated form that demands more than a straightforward reading, the words being transcended by the revelation, and the work presenting itself as liquid air that has acquired other extraordinary properties, but which are invisible at first sight".

Other symbols
Ancestor, Art, Artist, Beauty, Blessing, Centre, Circle, Colors, Creation, Death, Dew, Elements, Faith, Fall, Fire, Food, Fruit, God, Gold, Goodwill, Heaven, Holy earth, Joy, Knowledge, Ladder, Light, Look, Love, Magnet, Metamorphose, Mother, Mountain, Mud, Name, Nature, Needs, Place, Poetry, Prayer, Purity, Quest, Realization, Redemption, Regeneration, Saint, Salt, Salvation, Science, Stone, Symbol, Temple, Tree, Vision, Water.


Louis Cattiaux

1 VOLUME Format: 6 x 8.46 inches Pages: 448

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09/21'. The believer returns to his source like the buried grain moves towards the light, and this is a great example of heavenly love and earthly faith .

14/03. «Never despair of God and of oneself », such is the law of salvation. We must therefore persevere, trust in the Lord and act according to his law for it is the act of faith of the sower and the act of love of heaven and of earth that save us from death. But how many shall penetrate this mystery and how many shall accomplish it before the hour of judgement?

10/05. Blind faith obtains from God that which reason dares not conceive.

08/30. Faith is like the certainty of God in ourselves, and knowledge is like the proof of his intimate presence.

38/19. Our faith is not held in an abstract idea, nor in an elusive ideal, nor in the great number of faithful, nor in human works, nor in the goods of this world, nor in profane or religious honours, nor men's sciences, nor in the powers of the ascetics. Our faith is held in the certainty of the divine nature embodied in the flesh of the world. Our faith is nourished by the hope of rediscovering this divine nature buried in the sin of death. Our faith is brought to life by the effusion of the Holy Spirit that fertilizes the divine nature and thus remakes us as children of God, in the image of God himself.

12/72'-77'. There are three possible solutions for men here below: To rely only on oneself, as the ignorant ones who have gone astray in the night of the world do. To rely on oneself and on God, as believers that have heard about the light of the beginning do. To rely only on God, as do sages and saints that know or approach the origin and end of all things.

"Il y a donc deux sortes de foi : la foi des croyants et celle qui émane du don de Dieu. La première, indispensable pour donner entrée à la seconde, naît du souvenir de la splendeur perdue par nos premiers parents; c'est elle qui pousse le croyant à entreprendre le pèlerinage, c'est-à-dire la quête. La seconde est théologale, ce qui veut dire donnée par Dieu au terme du pèlerinage (pour l'islam ce don s'appelle houdja : c'est la "preuve irréfutable" donnée par Allah). C'est aussi la foi d'Abraham: la certitude de la Nature divine incarnée dans la chair du monde". (Charles d'Hooghvorst in R. Arola, Croire l'Incroyable ou l'Ancien et le Nouveau dans l'histoire des religions , Ed. Beya, vol. 6, p. 165.) ULL

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