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Hermetic sentences extracted from The Message Rediscovered
We present a selection of hermetic sentences extracted from The Message Rediscovered, the Cattiaux's master work, arranged according to the fundamental symbols of the different spiritual traditions in order to generate a new network of meanings in relationship with the art and the symbol. The Message Rediscovered is a book that contains, as his author said, "a tightly initiation and mystique presented in a concentrated form that demands more than a straightforward reading, the words being transcended by the revelation, and the work presenting itself as liquid air that has acquired other extraordinary properties, but which are invisible at first sight".

Other symbols
Ancestor, Art, Artist, Beauty, Blessing, Centre, Circle, Colors, Creation, Death, Dew, Elements, Faith, Fall, Fire, Food, Fruit, God, Gold, Goodwill, Heaven, Holy earth, Joy, Knowledge, Ladder, Light, Look, Love, Magnet, Metamorphose, Mother, Mountain, Mud, Name, Nature, Needs, Place, Poetry, Prayer, Purity, Quest, Realization, Redemption, Regeneration, Saint, Salt, Salvation, Science, Stone, Symbol, Temple, Tree, Vision, Water.


Louis Cattiaux

1 VOLUME Format: 6 x 8.46 inches Pages: 448

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02/4'. The upright and simple spirit penetrates easily to the centre of the earth where the living gold reposes.

02/36. One part cannot judge the totality of the Being, and he who is on the periphery does not have the same vision as he who is at the centre . Fire is only visible in the middle of the sky. It lies hidden in the centre of the earth and in middle water.

02/82'. The Father in the centre . The Son on the periphery. The Holy Spirit between two. All of them in One always.

03/17'. The mysteries of God are contained in the centre of the Universe and in the heart of man. Who shall hollow out the abyss? Who shall manifest the life of the earth? And who shall consolidate heaven's dew?

03/48'. The centre of the centre is like the fire in the middle of the great water.

04/36'. The centre of the Universe lies in the heart of man, but in order to free it, it is first of all necessary for the free spirit to come to the help of the spirit imprisoned by darkness.

04/49'. When I think of him my heart melts into the water and my spirit flies in his immensity, but the weight of love fixes me in the peace of the secret centre .

04/94'. If we do not find the God who lives hidden within us, we shall never know he who remains free in the centre of the Universe.

06/05. The cross unites the fire and the earth which are in the centre , and the circle unites the air and the water that surround them.

08/04. The holy Mother remains hidden in the centre of the earth or shines in heaven, according to the will of the Father.

10/60'. We adore you, Water, mother of the waters, for the living fire is at your centre , and you are excellent over and above all other lights. The sun is your magnificent production. Holy Mother of fire, come to our aid right now and at the time of the difficult passage. Let it be done this way!

12/26'. The sun fertilizes the life that rises and falls. It is like the centre of each world, be it infinitely large or infinitely small.

18/06'. Due to their nature divine souls tend to separate from the crust of sin and rejoin their eternal, pure and living centre . «The prophets have come to collect the gold dust dispersed in the mud of this world.»

30/41'. Holy men designate the thing under a multitude of names and figures, but the thing is unique and remains just as it is in its virginity or in its maternity, and manifests its holiest and most secret centre , which is the Lord of life.

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