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Hermetic sentences extracted from The Message Rediscovered
We present a selection of hermetic sentences extracted from The Message Rediscovered, the Cattiaux's master work, arranged according to the fundamental symbols of the different spiritual traditions in order to generate a new network of meanings in relationship with the art and the symbol. The Message Rediscovered is a book that contains, as his author said, "a tightly initiation and mystique presented in a concentrated form that demands more than a straightforward reading, the words being transcended by the revelation, and the work presenting itself as liquid air that has acquired other extraordinary properties, but which are invisible at first sight".

Other symbols
Ancestor, Art, Artist, Beauty, Blessing, Centre, Circle, Colors, Creation, Death, Dew, Elements, Faith, Fall, Fire, Food, Fruit, God, Gold, Goodwill, Heaven, Holy earth, Joy, Knowledge, Ladder, Light, Look, Love, Magnet, Metamorphose, Mother, Mountain, Mud, Name, Nature, Needs, Place, Poetry, Prayer, Purity, Quest, Realization, Redemption, Regeneration, Saint, Salt, Salvation, Science, Stone, Symbol, Temple, Tree, Vision, Water.


Louis Cattiaux

1 VOLUME Format: 6 x 8.46 inches Pages: 448

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08/ 27. God hides in the darkness of death and manifests himself in the light of life. With one look the lover penetrated the loved one, and she reproduced the lover.

09/35'. We no longer have honour, pride, courage or virtue; we are without learning and intelligence; our talents are like smoke, and our strength resembles spilt water. Our piety remains like an empty tin, and our days have become insensitive beneath the ardour of the divine regard . But grace multiplies the secret love that lives in our heart, and we can already taste the gentleness of the transcendental fire.

18/68. Who shall present to the Highest a mirror of love and purity so that he lives again among us in the primary and ultimate splendour? Our virgin has conceived under the gaze of the Highest and she has given us a son who has vanquished death and who shall make all his crippled brethren perfect.

20/65'. The outside does not amount to much for him whose light shines within, for he sees through the outer layer and penetrates beyond death. «The more we consume our outer layers, the more resplendent shall be our light under the gaze of the Highest. That is what the wicked shall not understand.»

28/15. Am I not right to contemplate the face of my Lord? Am I not right to expose myself to the love of the unique Splendour? Give me, oh Lord, the pure and imperishable body, the only one that can support without harm your loving look and penetrate up to the repose of your holy depth.

30/21. The terror of the wicked ones shall then reach its height, and their boasting, which triumphed, shall become dumb with fright, for their water shall abandon them and they shall dry out before the eyes of the Highest, who shall reduce them to ashes.

Litanie 74. Unbearable look .

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